MIMIC: Display Thread Statistics

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Overview
  3. If you want to diagnose MIMIC performance problems, you want to see which threads of the multi-threaded MIMICD daemon are using the most CPU resources. Those are likely the ones to concentrate on.

    You can monitor thread usage of any program with top on Linux or Task Manager on Windows. But, those will not map the process numbers to MIMICD threads. This is where the MIMICDTHREADS clients implemented in Python or Go come into play.

    The MIMICTHREADS client is an optional package installed with Update Wizard (on Linux only) to display MIMICD thread statistics to determine performance of MIMICD threads. See this Youtube video for a sample run.

  4. Prerequisites
  5. To run the Python tool, you need Python installed on your system. It also depends on other Python packages (GTK, etc).

    To run the pre-compiled Go tool, just invoke

    $ diag/mimicd-threads
    from the linux directory of the MIMIC installation.

  6. Usage
  7. $ diag/mimicd-threads [--port MIMIC-PORT]

    where [--port MIMIC-PORT] is an optional argument to point at the MIMIC port, if it is not the default.

  8. Compatibility
  9. Linux Python 2.7+ Go recent version